Worst Episode Ever #50: We've Done This Before

It's WEE's Fitty Epivittery and to celebrate Dan & Jack watch their namesake episode, Season 12's "Worst Episode Ever," an episode that's all about Comic Book Guy. We discuss the silliness in the episode, a plot cobbled together from classic episodes, whether Comic Book Guy's arc failed, and the classic vs. post-classic stylings of Ralph Wiggum. Where will Dan put his dirty diapers? How much ketchup is unacceptable to Jack? Just how exactly will you be murdered on the WEE Cruise? All this, plus total prags, young pups, and a slew of important announcements from WEE Studios that you better listen to... or else... Thanks for fifty great episodes, WEE Universe! Looking forward to at least a few more before we start phoning it in.

NEXT WEEK: Season 27's Every Man's Dream

Download and listen to Episode 50 right here! 

And if you can't get enough of us, here's the outtakes from this episode's recording session (or download it here).

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