Worst Episode Ever #45: Nap Hangover

Dan, Jack and returning special guest Dan Ozzi recover from deep-fried Doritos and the end of an era (for like a month or two) to watch Season 20's Gone Maggie Gone, the National Treasure meets Where's Waldo? meets Da Vinci Code meets Ratatouille meets the Apocolypse post-classic episode. Will Dan Ozzi survive the recording? Why are WEE taking on the United States Navy? Where's Podcast? There Podcast. All that plus Jack sneaks in another Stand reference, Dan's dead-on Simpsons Writers impression, Apu/Uter slashfic, sarcastic slang and all the many opposites of chicken WEE can think of.

NEXT WEEK: Season 23's A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again

Download and listen to Episode 45 right here!

And if you can't get enough of us, here's the outtakes from this episode's recording session (or download it here).

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Watch "Gone Maggie Gone" on Simpsons World

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